Monday, January 17, 2011

Today's song- Voyage: from ghost story

Todays music-from the album Ghost Story- Voyage Hello everbody, today im going to listen to this song called votyage, and the album's called Ghost Story. To listen to the music click on the link, then click play where it say's voyage.  Also check out the story he wrote for the album/ the song voyage.  this is what the song is in my point of view.

       There's a massive ship with a crew of over 70, with a captain The sun is setting.  They feel that it will be a peaceful trip.  The water's are nice and calm.  The crew members. are happy, even though they are getting their hand's dirty, doing some well needed maitnence to the ship. They have a nice cool breeze from the north on them.  It is tsking place off the coast of a calm, and peaceful carribean island.  It is around the early 1700's, and they are going wherever the ocean takes them.  They know that it will be a great journey on the ocean.  After they are done doing maitnence to the ship.  The crew, talk, laugh and have a good time, and drink plenty of whiskey. After everbody on the ship sleeps on the on the ship, right along the dock for the night, everyone of them feeling good about, and being optimistic about what is going to come in the future.


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