Hello everbody, taking a peek at this blog I'm your writer Smiley :) and I will be listening to Neil James music and I will type to you what I think his music is about and what I think is happening. Again it will be my own opinion and it will not be Neil's opinion, and in case if you don't know who Neil /james is, he is a musician, and he can play any instrument, he is in orchestra's and he is involved in many different types of gig's. He is also in a wedding band. So if you want to contact Neil James, his website is http://neiladamjames.com/, please go on if you want to contact him, to look at his website maybe to help him out and give him gig's, or to contact him to be in your wedding.
So visit his site, and keep on looking at this blog because I will be reviewing his music, and listen to his music, I'm Smiles :), and this is my blog about Neil James, and his music
( Neil James)
I can think of none other than "Smiley" to be doing this. His insight is vast!